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beargoodman 的博客





插图和解说辞( 七)  

2015-11-11 16:58:49|  分类: 译著 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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插图和解说辞( 七)




原作者 插图

熊威廉 译



插图和解说辞( 七) - 阿仁 - beargoodman 的博客 



这是一幅大河鸟瞰图。所谓大河是指浑浊的亚马逊河。这幅图是用红黑两种颜色绘制的,非常显眼。图里除了顶部有两只犰狳之外,几乎与这个故事毫无关系。最具煽情的部分是用红色标出的人类在大路上的冒险经历。我开始画这幅图时有意画了这两只犰狳。我还故意画了一头海牛,几只蜘蛛尾猴子,大蟒蛇和许多小捷豹,但是,更令人激动的是,我用红色 画出了人类敢闯敢干的冒险经历。你们要从左下角沿着箭头所示往上看,就可以又回到那些敢于冒险的人们乘坐御虎号轮船返乡的地方。这是一幅非常赋予冒险的画图,而所有的冒险经历都用文字记载了下来。所以你们可以分明地看出,哪是冒险地点,哪是树和船只。



插图和解说辞( 七) - 阿仁 - beargoodman 的博客  


                  这是一幅犰狳全貌图。图中,在这个故事里出场的小捷豹、刺猬、乌龟和犰狳都抱作一团了。无论你们从哪个方向       看,效果都一样。中间是乌龟,正在学卷体,所以龟背上的壳瓣是伸展分开的。乌龟站在刺猬身上,刺猬正在学游水。这     是一只日本刺猬,因为我画刺猬时,在园子里没有发现我们自己的刺猬。当时正是大白天,它们在大丽花下睡着了。花斑     小捷豹正在周边巡察,他的前爪已被他妈妈精心包扎好,因为他去剥刺猬时被刺伤了。小捷豹看见乌龟的动作很吃惊,他     的爪子还在疼。花斑小捷豹试图翻过去的那个小眼睛大嘴大鼻子的家伙,正是乌龟和刺猬学会了卷身和游水以后就要变成     的犰狳。这幅图画很神奇,所以我没有画出小捷豹的络腮胡子。而且他还小,没有长络腮胡子。小捷豹的爱称是多弗儿。



The Beginning of the Armadillos


Written by Rudyard Kipling

Illustrated by the Author

Translated by William Xiong




This is an inciting map of the Turbid Amazon. It hasn’t anything to do with the story except that there are two Armadillos in it up by the top. The inciting part are the adventures that happened to the men who went along the road marked by the double line. I meant to draw Armadillos when I began the map, and I meant to draw manatees and spider-tailed monkeys and big snakes and lots of Jaguars, but it was more inciting to do the map and the venturesome adventures. You begin at the bottom lefthand corner and follow the little arrows all about, and then you come quite round again to where the adventuresome people went home in a ship called the Royal Tiger. This is a most adventuresome picture, and all the adventures are told about in writing, so you can be quite sure which is an adventure and which is a tree or a boat.




This is a picture of the whole story of the Jaguar and the Hedgehog and the Tortoise and the Armadillo all in a heap. It looks rather the same any way you turn it. The Tortoise is in the middle, learning how to bend, and that is why the shelly plates on his back are so spread apart. He is standing on the Hedgehog, who is waiting to learn how to swim. The Hedgehog is a Japanesy Hedgehog, because I couldn’t find our own Hedgehogs in the garden when I wanted to draw them. (It was daytime, and they had gone to bed under the dahlias.) Speckly Jaguar is looking over the edge, with his paddy-paw carefully tied up by his mother, because he pricked himself scooping the Hedgehog. He is much surprised to see what the Tortoise is doing, and his paw is hurting him. The snouty thing with the little eye that Speckly Jaguar is trying to climb over is the Armadillo that the Tortoise and the Hedgehog are going to turn into when they have finished bending and swimming. It is all a magic picture, and that is one of the reasons why I haven’t drawn the Jaguar’s whiskers. The other reason was that he was so young that his whiskers had not grown. The Jaguar’s pet name with his Mummy was Doffles.

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